Friday, January 29, 2010

Advertising Insights for 2010

I know I'm late in wrapping up 2009, but am reading Advertising Age, and column by Dana Severson and I wanted to share his/my thoughts with you. I will only mention the points I agree with though (or else why share? ;)

1. Print media is not dead. Don't even think about the research, think about your favorite magazine and how it inspires you in your everyday life. Magazines are closing their doors because advertisers are spending less. It's not because we stopped reading them. That's what makes it sad. Domino magazine: Come Back!

That being said, don't eliminate print from your advertising plans--just invest more in one magazine. Instead of doing small ad sizes in bunch, invest in the one that hits your target audience the best and go all out with a full page. It has been working for me: rates are cheaper, there's less competition for the reader's attention and your ROI will be much greater.

2. Social networking only works if you commit to it. Unless you are conversing with your audience, there's not point to use Facebook or Twitter. It's better to have none at all then have one sitting there with something you posted 6 months ago.

3. Your online banner ad still generates interest--the measurement of success from your efforts will show in sales numbers and can be totally unrelated to the number of clicks. The presence is still worth something. Ad networks have us all thinking that the only value in online ads is conversions. It's not true.

That's all for today folks. Thanks.